Eastvantage Joins the APEC SME Summit 2015

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The Philippines takes centre stage as twenty one world leaders and ministers convene in Manila for the 2015 APEC Economic Leaders’ Week.

As all participating nations gear up to boost trade and inclusive, sustainable growth in the Pacific Rim, the small and medium enterprises (SME) are likewise given an extra push.  The Asia Pacific Economic Conference (APEC) SME Summit aims to challenge the traditional SME framework and mindset with the deeper goal of motivating entrepreneurs to re-think and re-create the way they do business, as well as to look at their products, services and business operations through the lens of innovation to successfully meet the demands of the 21st century global market.

Eastvantage takes part in this US-Philippine trade mission organised by the APEC Business Advisory Council (ABAC) on the 17th of November 2015 at Green Sun in Makati City.  Eastvantage delegate and Managing Director, Joeri Timp, believes that it’s high time for SMEs to be heard and counted in regional and global markets.  He believes, too, that the APEC SME Summit paves the way for a better understanding of how players like Eastvantage can take advantage of new trade opportunities, contribute in promoting alliances with larger businesses in global value chains and more importantly, how to continue creating new jobs and making valuable contribution in the ASEAN economies.

Recognised as the engines of growth and innovation in the APEC region, SMEs account for over 97 percent of all enterprises and employ over half a million of the workforce across APEC economies.

Culled from the APEC Senior Officials’ Meeting, “Yes, small firms can benefit from greater trade too.