Life at Eastvantage was created as the main channel where the Eastvantage community can share and interact with each other online. Over the past few years, this Facebook group has become an easily-accessible page where announcements for community events reach the associates instantly, and where photos for these events are shared: from Christmas parties to summer outings, and team lunches. Celebrating such activities have become very different for 2020, but Life at Eastvantage has become the perfect tool to reach out to the associates in the time of social distancing and working from home.
Employee safety and satisfaction
With the welfare of the associates a priority concern, Eastvantage brought its happiness initiatives online to the associates that are adjusting to the new normal in a challenging time. Throughout the year, Life at Eastvantage saw fun activities from polls, trivia, pictionaries, throwback, top tens, trending “challenges,” and even a fun-filled online jeopardy game. The month-long 10th Anniversary celebrations are notably where many of these activities were held, with highlights being the video talent showcase of the associates, a lip-sync video of associates, and a culmination large-scale zoom meeting event with raffle prizes and free grab food for all attendees.
In the safety of their homes, Eastvantage associates were also able to attend a brown bag session in the Facebook group, where one of the associates shared their knowledge and expertise with the other employees. Online meditation sessions were also posted, as well as radio show-style interviews with the fellow associates that are being celebrated. The associates, who are usually heavily involved in our CSRs, were also updated on the Corporate Social Responsibility charity donations that were made that year.
Keeping associates updated
Townhall meetings that were regularly held in the office are now being held online, and announcements and updates such as the ones from HR, payroll, healthcare, government, and severe weather bulletins are also being shared as needed to keep everyone updated.
The EV e-Cafe
Perhaps the most interactive happiness initiative would be the EV e-Cafe, where our happiness ambassador together with the operations support team create a live stream where every associate can watch and participate in – especially when there is something worth celebrating such as Valentine’s Day, Independence Day, pride month, Halloween costume party, and Christmas party. As we ease into the more flexible skeletal working setup, the Life at Eastvantage page has once again seen a lot of photos shared by the associates who have met each other in person at work after months of being in strict quarantine, showing how a versatile online social media group can be very useful for the work community both in the old and the new normal.
Join the Eastvantage community today and have fun with the happiness initiatives that will surely come your way! Visit our Eastvantage Careers page to view our open job posts.